Our annual ski trip was incredible. We arrived in Denver, checked into room 420 (I’m not kidding), and proceeded to have a blast. Yes, I got high in Colorado and learned this . . .
As you know, I like to find some helpful truths from every experience. If we pay attention, we can find little nuggets of truth that apply to weight loss, nutrition, fitness, and life in general. This ski trip was no different. Ally and I had a wonderful time with her sister Natalie and bro-in-law Burt. We skied a ton, laughed even more, and got high multiple times. Here’s what being high taught me.
1) Healthy fear is healthy.
I’m not a proponent of fear-based motivation. It typically doesn’t work and can leave an individual crippled and full of anxiety. Rather than a supreme motivator, I believe fear is a tremendous thief. It has the power to steal so many potentially wonderful things.
That being said, I fully acknowledge that a healthy fear and respect is vital in many of life’s endeavors.
If you don’t respect the mountain, you’re probably going to crash and burn. Then, as you lay there wondering what in the world just happened, you’ll swear you hear Aretha Franklin in the breeze . . . R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
2) You need a team.
9Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. 10For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. 11Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? 12And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
“Woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.” Can I get an amen?! This is true with snow skiing, exercising, breaking an addiction, losing weight, and life in general.
We never ski alone. Ally, Nat, Burt, and myself – we’re a team. We roll together because we know it’s smarter, safer, and definitely more fun. If you’re looking to lose weight and get in shape, I suggest you find a team. Seek out some likeminded people who can encourage, teach, and hold you accountable. If you’re in the Athens area, I highly recommend Creed Fitness (formerly Tribe Fitness), Paul Varnadoe at Freedom Fitness, or shoot me an email CoreyLittleCoaching [at] gmail.com. I guarantee you’ll be amazed at the power of teammates.
3) Speed Kills
Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
#1– your skis shouldn’t be spread across the mountain like debris from a falling tree.
#2 – your skis should . . . actually be ON your feet.
Unfortunately, that is yours truly walking back up the mountain to pick up my skis after a colossal wipe out. I chose to upgrade my skis to a performance package and was zipping down this wide open run, feeling out the maneuverability, enjoying the beautiful day, and . . . gaining just a little too much speed.
It was our first day on the slopes and I wasn’t quite ready for Ludicrous Speed. According to the app we use to track our ski day, I was cruising along at 52-53mph when my left ski caught some powder, some slush, some unicorn poop, who knows, and I went tumbling.
It’s funny now, but the reality is I could’ve been badly injured.
Bottom line – whenever we go too fast, we’re more likely to screw up.
Be it skiing, driving, working, texting (autocorrect anyone?), working out, or trying to lose weight – we make mistakes when we go too fast.
This is exactly why I teach my clients a steady gradual process for adjusting their nutrition and changing their body. Or, you can take the double black diamond slope called “Turbo Fat Loss.” I’ll be waiting on your email when you’re hobbling back up the mountain trying to figure out what just happened.
4) Beautiful things are often scary things.
As we stood at roughly 13,000 feet, on the top of Peak 6 in Breckenridge, Ally said to me – I feel like we’re on top of the world. It’s so beautiful! This is unbelievable.
You know what else is beautiful?
Someone who’s willing to overcome their insecurities and go to the gym anyway.
Someone who’s stares down their fear of failure and pursues challenging goals anyway.
Someone who is courageous enough to go after what they truly want instead of letting fear paralyze them.
These are beautiful, but scary things.
It takes courage to travel to the top of a mountain with nothing but two slick planks underneath your feet and a couple of plastic poles.
To see and do and achieve beautiful things, you must face your fear and be willing to fail. I wiped out my first day of skiing this year, and it rattled me a bit, but I didn’t quit. I got up, dusted off 5 gallons of snow, and put my skis back on. If you’ve been thinking about making some changes in life, dust yourself off, put your skis on, and get after it!
So, when did I get high?
Have you not been paying attention?
Keystone base elevation is over 9000 feet.
Breckenridge base elevation is nearly 10,000 feet.
As we traveled up the mountains to ski, we routinely hit 11,000 to 13,000 feet.
So . . . technically, we were high the whole time! 😉
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