A Simple Way To Boost Your Willpower and Be More Consistent

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This week on the podcast, we’re exploring a powerful yet simple strategy to boost your willpower and consistency. This approach can be a game-changer in how you make decisions that affect your health, body, and overall well-being.

A Simple Way To Boost Your Willpower and Be More Consistent

The Power of Casting Votes

Every day, we face countless decisions that shape our lives and our futures. Whether it’s what to eat, whether to exercise or how to handle stress, these choices either move us closer to our goals or further away. In this episode, I want to introduce you to a concept that can make these decisions easier and more impactful: casting votes for your future self to be more consistent.

Imagine your life as a constant election between two candidates: the future version of you that you desperately want to become, and the future version of you that you fear becoming if nothing changes. With every decision you make, you’re essentially casting a vote for one of these two versions. This simple shift in mindset can be a game-changer in boosting your willpower and helping you stay consistent with your goals.

Reframing Your Decisions

Typically, when faced with temptation—like a donut at work or the urge to skip a workout—we focus on the present moment and the immediate pleasure or discomfort associated with that choice. This mindset often leads to reliance on sheer willpower, which can be exhausting and ineffective.

Instead, try reframing these moments as opportunities to cast a vote. Ask yourself: Which future self am I voting for by making this choice? If you view each decision as a vote for the person you want to become, it becomes much easier to make choices that align with your long-term goals. You wouldn’t vote for a political candidate you despise, so why would you cast a vote for a future self that doesn’t align with your dreams?

Taking Control of Your Thoughts

It’s not just our actions that cast votes—our thoughts do too. The thoughts we entertain shape our emotions, which in turn influence our actions. Negative, self-defeating thoughts can lead to actions that move us away from our goals. Positive, empowering thoughts can propel us toward them.

The key is recognizing that you have control over your thoughts. Just like you wouldn’t let your arm slap someone in the face without your consent, you don’t have to let negative thoughts control your mind. When something happens—whether it’s an email from your boss or a temptation at dinner—you have the power to choose your response.

Step into that tiny gap between the event and your emotional reaction, and consciously choose a thought that serves you. Instead of spiraling into negativity, choose to see challenges as opportunities to grow and improve. This simple shift can turn discouraging situations into empowering ones. It can dramatically change the trajectory of your day—and your life.

Who Will You Elect Today?

At the end of the day, the question is simple: Who will you elect today? Will you cast votes for the future version of yourself that you want to become, the one who has the body, health, and confidence you desire? Or will you cast votes for the default future, the version of yourself that results from inaction and poor choices?

Remember, every thought and every decision is a vote. By focusing on this one day at a time, you can create a powerful momentum that leads to lasting change.

A Simple Way To Boost Your Willpower and Be More Consistent