How To Find The Right Diet For You

How To Find The Right Diet For You

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This week on the podcast, I explain how to find the right diet for you, a weight loss program tailored to your specific needs, desires, and situation. Within this episode, I’ll also share some important truths that can be helpful not only for finding the best weight loss solution but also for improving your body and health as you strive to lose weight.

How To Find The Right Diet For You

The Importance of Enjoying Your Diet

It doesn’t matter how amazing or perfect a diet or weight loss program is if it makes you miserable if you hate doing it, or if you just won’t do it, or if you can’t keep it up long term. It doesn’t matter how perfect it is, how perfectly it suits your body type, or how much science supports it as the best and most cutting-edge way to burn fat and lose weight. If everything you read says this is the best thing and will fix your metabolism and reduce inflammation, it still doesn’t matter if it makes you miserable, if you hate doing it, if you just won’t do it, or if you can’t keep it up long term.

The Truth About Diets: Nothing Works and Everything Works

Here’s another truth that no one in the diet and weight loss industry will tell you because they want you to think their program is special and will fix your body. The truth is: nothing works and everything works. It might sound crazy, but hear me out. Nothing works if you don’t do it consistently and can’t keep it up long-term. No diet or weight loss program will work if you don’t actually do it, do it consistently, and keep doing some version of it. At the same time, just about everything will work if you do it consistently and keep doing it long-term.

The Confusion of Success Stories

This is why it’s so confusing. You know someone who lost a bunch of weight doing Keto, another with Weight Watchers, and someone else who swears by eating low fat and working out. It’s confusing because everything works and nothing works. So the central question is: what will you do? Forget what’s better or what someone else did. What will you do consistently enough to get results? And more importantly, what will you keep doing long term?

Long-term Commitment Over Short-term Fixes

We can’t just fix our weight loss problems in six or eight weeks and then get back to our normal life. That mindset is what causes us to regain weight. We have to revamp our lifestyle to maintain the results we achieve. The question is, what will you do consistently enough to get results, and what will you keep doing to maintain those results?

Exploring Popular Diet Options

There are tons of options out there. Popular diets include Keto, Paleo, Atkins, Intuitive Eating, the Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting, Whole30, Weight Watchers, veganism, vegetarianism, tracking macros, counting calories, going gluten-free or dairy-free, and more. Some of these aren’t even intended for weight loss. For example, Intuitive Eating focuses on improving your relationship with food, not necessarily weight loss. Whole30 is more of an elimination diet to identify food intolerances. Weight Watchers, on the other hand, is specifically geared towards weight loss.

Finding Your Sustainable Approach

Tracking macros or counting calories is very science-based but can be cumbersome and aggravating if it doesn’t fit your lifestyle. The key is to find a sustainable approach that you can maintain long-term to achieve and maintain your desired results.