You are what you eat. Who hasn’t heard that old saying, right?

I’m not sure it tells the whole story though. I argue that – you eat what you are. In other words – how we eat and whether or not we take care of ourselves is typically based on how we view ourselves – how we think about ourselves.

It’s no mystery, you treat things (including yourself) based on perceived worth.  Think about cars.  Let’s say you own two cars.  One is old, high mileage, worn out seats, faded, sputters, and is valued at around $1000.  The other is brand new, shiny, super-comfy, runs like a champ, gets great gas mileage, and valued at $30,000.

Which car will you take more interest in?OldCar1, which car are you, Corey Little

Which car will you drive on nasty rainy days?

Which car will get regular maintenance and tune-ups?

Which car will be washed and pampered regularly?

Now . . .

Which car are you?

If you view yourself as the old, barely running, banged-up jalopy then you’ll never have a true desire to take care of yourself.  Why should you? You’re not worth the effort or sacrifice.

Newsflash – you are NOT an old jalopy.

You are a prized piece of human machinery that deserves nothing but the best!  You deserve the best – the best from your body – the best from your mind – the best from life! Once you realize and embrace that, you will be destined for success with your body and everything else. After working with people for more than a decade, I’ve noticed that individuals have the most success in uncovering their tremendous self-worth when they connect with God. This is not about religion or smothering you with churchy stuff. I just think it is nearly impossible to live a fulfilled, vibrant life of total health without addressing your personal spirituality.

There is a common spiritual element among human beings. We all want to believe in something bigger, better, and more powerful than us.  And we want to believe that “It” cares and can help when life gets scary.  At some point in life, we discover a mysterious craving that resides deep within.  Many attempts to shrug it off.  Some never take the time to identify what it is their soul craves.  Sadly many will miss out, because . . .

Complete fulfillment and undeniable worth come when your soul is connected to the source of its creation.

Regardless of who you are or what you believe, don’t you owe it to yourself to seek a relationship with your Creator?  An authentic relationship with God has the potential to transform your spiritual, social, emotional, AND physical life more than you can imagine.

Below I’ve outlined two steps for discovering your invaluable self-worth. I don’t care how fat, skinny, pretty, unattractive, smart, or average you maybe – it’s there, I guarantee it. You’ve just got to open your eyes, see it, believe it, and embrace the amazing person that you are. Give these steps a try.

1. Explore your personal spirituality to discover a deeper meaning and connection.

Newsflash! God loves you like crazy. Don’t believe me? Take it from the good book. Romans 8:38-39 says –

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”GodLovesYou


There are many ways to explore your personal spirituality. Two of the best and easiest – start talking to God, not with some formal rehearsed prayer, but like you would talk to your best friend, with authenticity.

In addition to talking with God, schedule an appointment to talk with a local pastor or clergy to learn more about God’s amazing love for you. Bottom line – pursue God and His love for you, cause nothing makes you feel more valuable than when you know someone loves you like crazy!


2. List the reasons you are important and valuable.

This shouldn’t be a five-minute process.  You should take a few days, carry around a notepad, and whenever something hits you write it down.  Before you know it, you’ll have a long list of reasons why you are a super important, beloved, and valuable person.

It’s my hope and prayer that these steps might be the beginning, an awakening of how wonderfully loved and incredibly awesome you are. By the time you’re finished, you’ll not only be ready to tackle improving your body, you’ll be set to take on the world!

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