A Sneaky Lie We Tell Ourselves That Steals Our Happiness

Bite-Sized Guidance To Help You Crush Self Doubt - Lose Weight - Love Life

Corey Little WRITTEN BY
July 18, 2023
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Real Life Weight Loss

A Sneaky Lie We Tell

Ourselves That Steals Our Happiness


Welcome to the Real Life Weight Loss Podcast where we cut through the confusion and get the down to the truth - down to what really works for REAL people when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. We're diving into the most doable, sustainable weight loss strategies.

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Are you happy? 

Do you genuinely enjoy your life? 

Are you able to slow down and enjoy the moment?

If you struggle with any of these, then this episode is for you. We probably don’t even realize it, but many of us are consistently lying to ourselves. We keep telling ourselves – “I will when”. 

This magical time known as “when” never comes. And if it actually does, then the goal posts move! Happiness researchers say that our brains are hardwired to instantly look to the next thing once we achieve the thing we were previously shooting for. 

It’s like we’re perpetually putting off, delaying really awesome, really enjoyable things – happiness, self care, the stuff in life that we really enjoy doing. But there are bigger, deeper problems with this. We get into all of that and more in today’s episode! 

Plus I give you a specific challenge that I’m also taking on myself! 

Life’s a vapor. It’s short and it moves fast. Let’s learn to enjoy it more!

CONTACT COREY:  support@CoreyLittleCoaching.com


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Are you happy?  Do you genuinely enjoy your life?  Are you able to slow down and enjoy the moment? If you struggle with any of these, then this episode is for you. We probably don’t even realize it, but many of us are consistently lying to ourselves. We keep telling ourselves – “I will when”.  […]

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  • Corey Little

    I’m a down to Earth, real-life, donut-loving, “lose weight while getting away with as much as you can” weight-loss specialist. I’ve helped hundreds of people get over the hump – lose weight, drop inches off their waist, regain energy, and get their mojo back!
