How To Stop Being Fat

Bite-Sized Guidance To Help You Crush Self Doubt - Lose Weight - Love Life

Corey Little WRITTEN BY
July 30, 2021
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Real Life Weight Loss

How To

Stop Being Fat


Welcome to the Real Life Weight Loss Podcast where we cut through the confusion and get the down to the truth - down to what really works for REAL people when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. We're diving into the most doable, sustainable weight loss strategies.

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Today I’m giving you 5 very specific things that will help you lose weight and move in a positive direction with your body. But we’re going to do this in a really cool way and have some fun with it.

We’re looking at 5 things that would make someone get fat and stay like that! 

Then we’re going to learn from those and flip them around so that we know what we can do to stop being fat.

So it’s your choice . . .

Get fat and stay like that – OR – Stop being fat

I’ll tell you how to do both today!

P.S. If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you know me and you also know that I would NEVER call someone “fat.” I don’t like the word and don’t typically use the word. Today’s episode is just a little off the wall and humorous.




Today I’m giving you 5 very specific things that will help you lose weight and move in a positive direction with your body. But we’re going to do this in a really cool way and have some fun with it. We’re looking at 5 things that would make someone get fat and stay like that!  […]

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  • Real Life Weight Loss on Google Play

  • Corey Little

    I’m a down to Earth, real-life, donut-loving, “lose weight while getting away with as much as you can” weight-loss specialist. I’ve helped hundreds of people get over the hump – lose weight, drop inches off their waist, regain energy, and get their mojo back!
