Weight Loss That Works For Real People

Bite-Sized Guidance To Help You Crush Self Doubt - Lose Weight - Love Life

In the month of January, I see this HUGE mistake all the time. You just might be making this mistake yourself!  Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed or discouraged? Are you super sore from your workouts? Are you worried about that dreaded day when your motivation fades away? Are you starting to dread your workouts or...
“The more weight I gained, the sadder I became.” This episode is packed absolutely full of incredible weight loss WISDOM.  Maybe just like you, Lisa has struggled with her weight nearly her entire life. She tried to lose weight with exercise, but realized it didn’t work. Then she tried a bunch of different diets and...
There’s a secret battle going on inside all of us. And if you’re not aware of it, it just might keep you from losing weight or making progress at all. You might be totally sabotaging yourself without even knowing it. Today’s topic is super overlooked and super misunderstood. But it’s also super powerful! So what...
Have you set weight loss goals for the new year? If so, the question is – did you set them right? Or did you accidentally sabotage yourself?   Are you all excited, pushing toward your goal, but in reality you’re cruising head-on into a massive storm?! In today’s episode, I share a personal story of not...
In a funk? Discouraged? Frustrated? Feeling a little down?  You just need to be reminded of the truth. Here’s the 4 minute cure for what ails you. P.S. Not sure what happened with the audio on this episode. Sorry bout that! 🙂 FREE LIVE WORKSHOP JAN 7th at 8pm EST: http://www.losefatlist.com

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This podcast is all about busy moms, dads, husbands, wives who are working, raising kids, and trying to juggle everything life’s throwing at them…but also want to be the best they can be for their family and friends and loved ones.


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Are you on the weight loss struggle bus? Then you’re in the right place!