Weight Loss That Works For Real People

Bite-Sized Guidance To Help You Crush Self Doubt - Lose Weight - Love Life

Today is the 300th episode, so it’s kind of a milestone. For this, I wanted to select one of MY all time favorite episodes.  I like to think of this episode as the behind-the-scenes (or below the surface) stuff of achieving a better body and a better life! Typically when I record most episodes, I’ll...
Are you ready for the truth about protein? Can protein help you lose weight? How much protein should I eat per day? Is too much protein bad for you? If you’ve ever asked any of these questions, then this episode is for you. Chances are you’ve heard tidbits from all the viewpoints; probably everything from...
For most people, losing weight is not fun. It’s something we feel like we HAVE to do. It’s a source of stress, overwhelm, and sadly failure. Who would want to do that?!  And this is why we often wait until we feel motivated again before starting another diet. We think we need motivation to be...
I’m giving you four of my top weight loss tips! If you want to drop a few pounds quickly, then I’ve got you covered. These weight loss tips are simple and they work.  But that’s not all! We’ll dive deep and answer some other really important questions like . . .  Are weight loss tips...
Are you eating healthy but not losing weight and you’re frustrated? Are you doing the Frankenstein diet and don’t even realize it?  Are you combining different things from different diets? Are you kind of, sort of doing keto? If you answered ‘yes’ to one or more of those questions, then this episode is for you!...

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This podcast is all about busy moms, dads, husbands, wives who are working, raising kids, and trying to juggle everything life’s throwing at them…but also want to be the best they can be for their family and friends and loved ones.


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Are you on the weight loss struggle bus? Then you’re in the right place!