Weight Loss That Works For Real People

Bite-Sized Guidance To Help You Crush Self Doubt - Lose Weight - Love Life

To do what you’ve never been able to do, you must see what you’ve never seen.  And it all starts with your brain. To change your body, you must first change your brain. But how do you do that? That’s exactly what this lesson is all about!
Four Tablespoons of Truth  In this module, you’re learning the tools and tactics and tricks that can truly totally change your brain and your life. As a starting point, I’ll help you cut through some crap that might be bouncing around in your head. Crap that’s holding you back and causing you to fall into...
Put On Your Lie-Proof Vest! The “bully in your brain” has 3 big tools that he uses to screw you up: all-or-nothing perfectionist thinking, lies that are twisted from a tiny bit of truth, and then he takes those two things and tries his best to sling you into an irrational emotional state. In this...
Tough Love and Hugs I’m going to give you my best and I’m asking for your best. But here’s the thing … What does that really mean? What does it mean to give your best? Well, part of what it means is taking responsibility for yourself. I and the other coaches will be there for you...
The Other Tools In Your Superhero Belt To lose weight and achieve the body and life you want, you must overcome your nemesis – the bully in your brain. But that’s okay because you’re the HERO of your life! You can totally handle this because you have the super power of metacognition. But the bully...

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This podcast is all about busy moms, dads, husbands, wives who are working, raising kids, and trying to juggle everything life’s throwing at them…but also want to be the best they can be for their family and friends and loved ones.


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