Want to know how to lose weight during stressful times?
Want to know the missing element to “lose it and don’t gain it back” weight loss success?
If so, you do NOT want to miss this incredible story of . . .
Crash diet after crash diet …
Seeing family members and friends shunned and rejected because of their weight …
An absolute “hurricane of life-altering stress” …
To this direct quote from Julie …
“I was completely overwhelmed and I was exhausted. And weight loss was the last thing I wanted to think about. But I still tried to cram it in. And then when I couldn’t do it or stick to it, what went through my brain was …
>> You’re just not disciplined.
>> You have no self control
>> If you would just try harder, you could do this.
>> You’re not trying hard enough.
I felt very incompetent and I was just losing in the self esteem and self worth category. I went through a really dark time and I just didn’t care anymore.
I was trying to lose weight to avoid the pain of rejection from being overweight.”
Slim Fast, Whole30, Atkins, debilitating sickness, off-the-charts stress, family tragedy, and a ton of pressure to lose weight.
Today Julie shares her amazing story and then reveals what was the missing ingredient that eventually lead her to life-changing (and body-changing) weight loss success!